Agreement of Subject and Predicate Exercises

Direct objects Worksheets Subject-verb correspondence with sentences Both the subject and the verb of a sentence must be singular or plural. In these worksheets, students choose the form of the verb that corresponds to the subject of the sentence. 15. Mathematics (is, is) John`s favorite subject, while civics (is, is) Andrea`s favorite subject. Correspondence differs from dialectal use of the language. In English Br, correspondence to the plural is used when the nearest noun is in the plural or when there are several elements in a series. In American English, the plural correspondence is with the nearest noun. The terms subject and predicate are the uses (functions) of words in a particular clause. Word functions Choose the correct form of the verb that corresponds to the subject. There is no specific subject-predicate agreement. The match is with the nearest name.

Verb match for him, she, it is marked with a final -s in the present. See irregular forms below. The correspondence of the verbs for – I, You, You, We – is not marked in the current form of non-progression. The basic form of the verb is used. Worksheets > grammar > sentences of class 4 > > subject-verb agreement 20. The committee (debates, debates) these issues with care. buried (V) – subordinates other things; Simon is a little messy, especially when he mixes sugar in his cup of coffee on his desk and [spills]. He [tries] not to have sugar on his keyboard. He often [destroys] equipment by bringing food into it. Sometimes he carries a bag of apples in his office and nibbles on them during work. Simon has modest wishes.

He [prays] for good health, an endless supply of donuts and a date with the pretty young woman in the donut shop. Sam or Ted dance on stage. (I can`t remember which ones.) He [talks] for a while with the woman who sells donuts. The young woman [blushed] as he complimented her. Every day, Simon [discovers] new things she can tell him about. Maybe Simon is buying a donut for more than one reason. Simon [put] towels in his pocket and then left. He often imagines asking them.

But then [fails] his courage, and he [continues] to work. Simon [eats] breakfast every morning at 6 a.m. .m. Then he passes a donut shop on the way to work. Go [tax] his energy, so he [stops] for a donut. sticky (Adj) – feel like glue; He had sticky fingers after eating honey. 21. Committee members (leads, leads) live very differently in private. Discover (V) – to find something you didn`t know before the series (N) – one element after another appears, in the row scene (N) – the raised area in a theater where actors or singers stand when playing towel (N) – small soft paper towel for hands; Towel 22. The Prime Minister, with his wife, (welcomes, greets) warmly the press. Simon [does] a few things to stay in shape. Simon [has] a gym membership.

He also plays tennis in a sports club. Simon is a graphic designer and draws on his computer. He often [touches] his computer screen and [becomes] sticky. Sometimes he [presses] a key on the keyboard and he [pastes] and repeats the letter. He often [presses] the keys as well. Stay fit (expression) – stay in strong physical condition 5. George and Tamara (don`t, don`t want to) see this movie. 8.

The man with all the birds (alive, alive) in my street. Tax (V) — tiring someone, tiring a person; or to charge someone for government services, to charge 9 taxes. The film, including all previews, (takes, takes) about two hours to watch. Compliment (V) – say something kind or flattering to someone; Admire the whistling sound – A sibilant is a kind of fricative consonant created by directing the air between the tip of the tongue and the back edge of the two upper front teeth: s /s/, z /z/, sh /ʃ/ , zh /ʒ/ (lie) 4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor. Supply (N) – a lot of something that is available for 16 use. Eight dollars (are, are) the price of a movie these days. 7. One of my sisters (is, are) on a trip to France. Sketch (N) – draw something quickly without much detail; Baselines The terms noun and verb are categories of words (forms) or “parts of the language”. Energy (N) – having the ability to perform an activity, imagining the force (V) – think with images in your head To find all our sentence worksheets, from sentence fragments to simple, compound and complex sentences.

10. The players, as well as the captain, want, want) win. 23. All CDs, including the scratched one, are in this case. renounce (V) — abstain, abstain; before (V) — go ahead, before 19. There were (there were, there were) fifteen sweets in this bag. Now there is (there, there is) only one! Related Practices: Final -S Practice | Final -S Sounds Keyboard (N) – the part of the computer with letter, number and symbol keys 2. My mother or father (is, are) come to the meeting. be ⇒ is (3rd song.), am (1st song.), are (other) Fortunately, Simon [employs] a service every week to clean his office. Simon accidentally buries things under newspapers, magazines, and books that need to be organized. The office is so messy that the cleaner sometimes opens the door to get in. Graphics (Adj) — refers to drawing, printing, and designing images.
